The entire hotel staff was friendly and helpful. @media only screen and (min-width: 500px) { height:34px; document.getElementById("chk_in").value = todaysdate; $('#chk_in').css({'opacity':'100','z-index':'initial','padding':'9px 7px 6px','height':'34px'}); The front desk clerk was particularly helpful. if(document.getElementById("chain")){ document.getElementById('addressTable').style.display = 'block'; var xxxxxxxyear = currentTime2.getFullYear() const today = new Date(); The front desk clerks were friendly, and breakfast was good. $('#chk_in').bind('dpClosed',function(){ :\[[^[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?/g,L=0,H=Object.prototype.toString;var F=function(Y,U,ab,ac){ab=ab||[];U=U||document;if(U.nodeType!==1&&U.nodeType!==9){return[]}if(!Y||typeof Y!=="string"){return ab}var Z=[],W,af,ai,T,ad,V,X=true;R.lastIndex=0;while((W=R.exec(Y))!==null){Z.push(W[1]);if(W[2]){V=RegExp.rightContext;break}}if(Z.length>1&&M.exec(Y)){if(Z.length===2&&I.relative[Z[0]]){af=J(Z[0]+Z[1],U)}else{af=I.relative[Z[0]]? $('#dp-popup').hide(); Full Events Listing. document.getElementById('nformbox').className = "nformboxAddr"; var doa=params[0].substring(params[0].indexOf('=')+1); check into a hotel, the more likely you 319.622.5254. #dialog_link span.ui-icon{margin:0 5px 0 0;position:absolute;left:.2em;top:50%;margin-top:-8px} } return null; if(xxxxxxxmonth < 10) xxxxxxxmonth = "0"+xxxxxxxmonth; The room was clean, and the staff was more than accommodating. document.getElementById("chk_out").value = endDate;}} function pastDateChk(date){ SureStay Plus Hotel by Best Western Coralville. // END Show and Hide fields if (window.focus) "Breakfast wasn't hot, and the attendant didn't replenish anything. var state=params[5].substring(params[5].indexOf('=')+1); var mm=params[0]; }); Hotels near Farm League Brewing Cambridge. var out_dd = outDateArr[1]; The breakfast area was rather messy. indateArray = checkInDate.split("/"); The king bed was amazingly comfortable and had plenty of pillows. } var in_mm = inDateArr[0]; var outDateArr = tomorrow.asString().split("/"); var searcht=document.getElementById('searcht').value; Where Can I Stay near Iowa Events Center? $("#coverscreenstyle").html(""); ul#icons li{margin:2px;position:relative;padding:4px 0;cursor:pointer;float:left;list-style:none} $('#chk_out').css({'opacity':'100','z-index':'initial','padding':'9px 7px 6px','height':'34px'}); box-shadow: 0px 3px 4px; //BEGIN popup calendar if(bcurr_day < 10) bcurr_day = "0"+bcurr_day; critUpdate(); (this[0]?this[0].innerHTML.replace(/ jQuery\d+="(? if( (outDateArr.length = 3)){ No matter your choice, your stay at our Iowa City hotel near the university will be legendary! alert('Please enter your check-in and check-out dates. alert ("Please choose a check out date that is later than your check in date. $('#selChkIn').css({'opacity':'0','z-index':'-1','height':'0px','width':'initial'}); I'd recommend staying here. }); Events ; Courtyard Iowa City University Heights. "each":"queue"](function(){var K=o.extend({},E),M,L=this.nodeType==1&&o(this).is(":hidden"),J=this;for(M in I){if(I[M]=="hide"&&L||I[M]=="show"&&!L){return}if((M=="height"||M=="width")&&{K.display=o.css(this,"display");}}if(K.overflow!=null){"hidden"}K.curAnim=o.extend({},I);o.each(I,function(O,S){var R=new o.fx(J,K,O);if(/toggle|show|hide/.test(S)){R[S=="toggle"?L? !F(T[3],V).length},header:function(T){return/h\d/i.test(T.nodeName)},text:function(T){return"text"===T.type},radio:function(T){return"radio"===T.type},checkbox:function(T){return"checkbox"===T.type},file:function(T){return"file"===T.type},password:function(T){return"password"===T.type},submit:function(T){return"submit"===T.type},image:function(T){return"image"===T.type},reset:function(T){return"reset"===T.type},button:function(T){return"button"===T.type||T.nodeName.toUpperCase()==="BUTTON"},input:function(T){return/input|select|textarea|button/i.test(T.nodeName)}},setFilters:{first:function(U,T){return T===0},last:function(V,U,T,W){return U===W.length-1},even:function(U,T){return T%2===0},odd:function(U,T){return T%2===1},lt:function(V,U,T){return UT[3]-0},nth:function(V,U,T){return T[3]-0==U},eq:function(V,U,T){return T[3]-0==U}},filter:{PSEUDO:function(Z,V,W,aa){var U=V[1],X=I.filters[U];if(X){return X(Z,W,V,aa)}else{if(U==="contains"){return(Z.textContent||Z.innerText||"").indexOf(V[3])>=0}else{if(U==="not"){var Y=V[3];for(var W=0,T=Y.length;W=0)}}},ID:function(U,T){return U.nodeType===1&&U.getAttribute("id")===T},TAG:function(U,T){return(T==="*"&&U.nodeType===1)||U.nodeName===T},CLASS:function(U,T){return(" "+(U.className||U.getAttribute("class"))+" ").indexOf(T)>-1},ATTR:function(Y,W){var V=W[1],T=I.attrHandle[V]?I.attrHandle[V](Y):Y[V]!=null?Y[V]:Y.getAttribute(V),Z=T+"",X=W[2],U=W[4];return T==null?X==="!=":X==="="?Z===U:X==="*="?Z.indexOf(U)>=0:X==="~="? document.getElementById( 'nextbut' ).setAttribute( 'onClick', 'javascript: setUpAjax('+passedHgId+');' ); document.getElementById( 'formused' ).value="x" ; if( (indateArray2.length = 3) && (outdateArray2.length = 3)){ var dateToCheck=new Date(); document.getElementById('tabchange').innerHTML = '      Or search by '; Stoney Creek Hotel Quad Cities - Moline 3-star hotel Free parking Free WiFi Restaurant Quiet rooms Isle Casino Hotel - Bettendorf 3.5-star hotel Free parking Free WiFi Free airport shuttle Attentive staff Things to See and Do near Celebration River Cruise Dock What to See near Celebration River Cruise Dock TaxSlayer Center new_out_day.setDate(new_out_day.getDate() + 1); var selOutDay = $('#sel_chk_out_day').val(); dateToCheck.setDate(dd); } "}}M.dataType="json"}if(M.dataType=="json"&&(||M.url.match(F))){W="jsonp"+r++;if({"").replace(F,"="+W+"$1")}M.url=M.url.replace(F,"="+W+"$1");M.dataType="script";l[W]=function(X){V=X;I();L();l[W]=g;try{delete l[W]}catch(Y){}if(H){H.removeChild(T)}}}if(M.dataType=="script"&&M.cache==null){M.cache=false}if(M.cache===false&&G=="GET"){var E=e();var U=M.url.replace(/(\?|&)_=.*?(&|$)/,"$1_="+E+"$2");M.url=U+((U==M.url)?(M.url.match(/\?/)?"&":"?")+"_="+E:"")}if("GET"){M.url+=(M.url.match(/\?/)?"&":"? document.getElementById('citspan').style.color="#333333"; var country=params[6].substring(params[6].indexOf('=')+1); "pageYOffset":"pageXOffset"]||o.boxModel&&document.documentElement[G]||document.body[G]:this[0][G]}});o.each(["Height","Width"],function(I,G){var E=I?"Left":"Top",H=I? var selInMonth = $('#sel_chk_in_month').val(); - allows pets up to 80 pounds in 1st floor rooms only, 2 pets per room - $25 per night fee for each pet. now=now.getTime(); $('#dp-popup').hide(); - allows pets up to 35 pounds, 2 pets per room - $25 per night fee for each pet. The Celebration Farm 4.5 ( 37) 4696 Robin Woods Lane NE, Iowa City, IA About This Vendor Remarkable. document.getElementById('searcht').name = 'cityState'; I-80 at South Downy Street, Exit 254 Hotels. inDateArr = document.getElementById('chk_in').value.split("/"); if(doa=='Enter Date'){return null;} (" "+Z+" ").indexOf(U)>=0:!U?Z&&T!==false:X==="!="?Z!=U:X==="^="?Z.indexOf(U)===0:X==="$="?Z.substr(Z.length-U.length)===U:X==="|="?Z===U||Z.substr(0,U.length+1)===U+"-":false},POS:function(X,U,V,Y){var T=U[2],W=I.setFilters[T];if(W){return W(X,V,U,Y)}}}};var M=I.match.POS;for(var O in I.match){I.match[O]=RegExp(I.match[O].source+/(?![^\[]*\])(?! Breakfast was good. if(document.getElementById("searcht") && document.getElementById("searcht").value != '' ) var tomorowssdate = ''; $('#chk_out').bind('dpClosed',function(){critUpdate(); $( "#petchkamenity" ).blur(function() { We ended up at the end of the lot against the curb. document.getElementById("chk_out2").value = ''; $('#sel_chk_out_year').val(out_yy); } document.getElementById('checkout_year_month').value = checkout_year_month; console.log('ccaadad'); Use Search above to see rates for your dates. var yy=params[2]; document.cookie="hgBookInfo"+"="+cookie_string+"; path=/;; expires="+todate.toGMTString(); Copper Creek Ridge | Wedding Venue | Event Venue | Iowa City, IA Crafted with Love Built for Celebration Book A Tour Call 319-648-2242 About us We created a venue that has been crafted with love, built for celebration. document.getElementById('destfield').style.width = '252px'; Hotels in Ankeny. $('#chk_out').css({'opacity':'100','z-index':'initial','padding':'9px 7px 6px','height':'34px','width':'135px','margin-left':'initial'}); :\+|-)?\d*)/.exec(T[2]=="even"&&"2n"||T[2]=="odd"&&"2n+1"||!/\D/.test(T[2])&&"0n+"+T[2]||T[2]);T[2]=(U[1]+(U[2]||1))-0;T[3]=U[3]-0}T[0]=L++;return T},ATTR:function(X,U,V,T,Y,Z){var W=X[1].replace(/\\/g,"");if(!Z&&I.attrMap[W]){X[1]=I.attrMap[W]}if(X[2]==="~="){X[4]=" "+X[4]+" "}return X},PSEUDO:function(X,U,V,T,Y){if(X[1]==="not"){if(X[3].match(R).length>1||/^\w/.test(X[3])){X[3]=F(X[3],null,null,U)}else{var W=F.filter(X[3],U,V,true^Y);if(!V){T.push.apply(T,W)}return false}}else{if(I.match.POS.test(X[0])||I.match.CHILD.test(X[0])){return true}}return X},POS:function(T){T.unshift(true);return T}},filters:{enabled:function(T){return T.disabled===false&&T.type!=="hidden"},disabled:function(T){return T.disabled===true},checked:function(T){return T.checked===true},selected:function(T){T.parentNode.selectedIndex;return T.selected===true},parent:function(T){return ! $('#nrooms').css({'width':'90px','margin-left':'initial'}); $( ".star-rating" ).each( function() { }, 5000); $('#chk_out').css({'opacity':'0','z-index':'-1','padding':'0','height':'0px','width':'135px','margin-left':'initial'}); (parseFloat(J.filter.match(/opacity=([^)]*)/)[1])/100)+"":""}G=G.replace(/-([a-z])/ig,function(M,N){return N.toUpperCase()});if(L){J[G]=K}return J[G]},trim:function(E){return(E||"").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"")},makeArray:function(G){var E=[];if(G!=null){var F=G.length;if(F==null||typeof G==="string"||o.isFunction(G)||G.setInterval){E[0]=G}else{while(F){E[--F]=G[F]}}}return E},inArray:function(G,H){for(var E=0,F=H.length;E-1}},swap:function(H,G,I){var E={};for(var F in G){E[F][F];[F]=G[F]};for(var F in G){[F]=E[F]}},css:function(H,F,J,E){if(F=="width"||F=="height"){var L,G={position:"absolute",visibility:"hidden",display:"block"},K=F=="width"? function(){ // End TA popup } This is our family: Matt, Kelly, Elijah, and Emma Wood, owners of Copper Creek Ridge. "Our hotel room smelled musty, but the bed was comfortable. "Nice room. document.getElementById('namefield').style.display = 'block'; function iechange(selin){if(selin == 9){top.location.href = '';} )}); var nrooms=params[3].substring(params[3].indexOf('=')+1); Great front desk clerks, but parking was terrible and there was no hot breakfast. var in_mm = inDateArr[0]; if(pastDateChk(checkInDateMini) || checkInDateMini == ""){ if(curr_day < 10) curr_day = "0"+curr_day; console.log(popupTop); var oudatestring = document.getElementById('chk_out2').value; var checkDate=dateToCheck.getTime(); var out_yy = outDateArr[2]; a#dp-close{font-size:11px;padding:4px 0;text-align:center;display:block} } console.log('(#sel_chk_in_month).focus'); $('#chk_in').css({'opacity':'100','z-index':'initial','padding':'9px 7px 6px','height':'34px','width':'135px','margin-left':'initial'}); var popup =$(this).offset(); "add":"remove"](this,F)},remove:function(E){if(!E||o.filter(E,[this]).length){o("*",this).add([this]).each(function(){o.event.remove(this);o.removeData(this)});if(this.parentNode){this.parentNode.removeChild(this)}}},empty:function(){o(this).children().remove();while(this.firstChild){this.removeChild(this.firstChild)}}},function(E,F){o.fn[E]=function(){return this.each(F,arguments)}});function j(E,F){return E[0]&&parseInt(o.curCSS(E[0],F,true),10)||0}var h="jQuery"+e(),v=0,A={};o.extend({cache:{},data:function(F,E,G){F=F==l?A:F;var H=F[h];if(!H){H=F[h]=++v}if(E&&!o.cache[H]){o.cache[H]={}}if(G!==g){o.cache[H][E]=G}return E?o.cache[H][E]:H},removeData:function(F,E){F=F==l?A:F;var H=F[h];if(E){if(o.cache[H]){delete o.cache[H][E];E="";for(E in o.cache[H]){break}if(!E){o.removeData(F)}}}else{try{delete F[h]}catch(G){if(F.removeAttribute){F.removeAttribute(h)}}delete o.cache[H]}},queue:function(F,E,H){if(F){E=(E||"fx")+"queue";var,E);if(!G||o.isArray(H)){,E,o.makeArray(H))}else{if(H){G.push(H)}}}return G},dequeue:function(H,G){var E=o.queue(H,G),F=E.shift();if(!G||G==="fx"){F=E[0]}if(F!==g){}}});o.fn.extend({data:function(E,G){var H=E.split(".");H[1]=H[1]?". }); var dd=params[1]; // BEGIN fix calendar positioning var dTmm=dTparams[0]; } (&|$)/g,R,V,G=M.type.toUpperCase();if(!=="string"){}if(M.dataType=="jsonp"){if(G=="GET"){if(!M.url.match(F)){M.url+=(M.url.match(/\?/)?"&":"?")+(M.jsonp||"callback")+"=?"}}else{if(!||!{"&":"")+(M.jsonp||"callback")+"=? // LIMITS CALENDAR FROM SELECTING DAYS MORE THAN 360 DAYS OUT When we returned, the room was hot and the AC was blowing warm air. The staff let us check in early. Cozy waterfront dwelling in Otley (from USD 139) Show all photos You can bet on a restful getaway at this waterfront dwelling facing Lake Red Rock in Otley, Iowa. window.submitForm = function(){ left: 0; document.getElementById('addressTable').style.display = 'none'; // END - LIMITS CALENDAR FROM SELECTING DAYS MORE THAN 360 DAYS OUT if(window.errortxt1 || window.errortxt2){ "The hotel room was clean and spacious. "+H+"("+E+")"}}return G},setArray:function(E){this.length=0;Array.prototype.push.apply(this,E);return this},each:function(F,E){return o.each(this,F,E)},index:function(E){return o.inArray(E&&E.jquery?E[0]:E,this)},attr:function(F,H,G){var E=F;if(typeof F==="string"){if(H===g){return this[0]&&o[G||"attr"](this[0],F)}else{E={};E[F]=H}}return this.each(function(I){for(F in E){o.attr(G?,F,o.prop(this,E[F],G,I,F))}})},css:function(E,F){if((E=="width"||E=="height")&&parseFloat(F)<0){F=g}return this.attr(E,F,"curCSS")},text:function(F){if(typeof F!=="object"&&F!=null){return this.empty().append((this[0]&&this[0].ownerDocument||document).createTextNode(F))}var E="";o.each(F||this,function(){o.each(this.childNodes,function(){if(this.nodeType!=8){E+=this.nodeType!=1?this.nodeValue:o.fn.text([this])}})});return E},wrapAll:function(E){if(this[0]){var F=o(E,this[0].ownerDocument).clone();if(this[0].parentNode){F.insertBefore(this[0])}{var G=this;while(G.firstChild){G=G.firstChild}return G}).append(this)}return this},wrapInner:function(E){return this.each(function(){o(this).contents().wrapAll(E)})},wrap:function(E){return this.each(function(){o(this).wrapAll(E)})},append:function(){return this.domManip(arguments,true,function(E){if(this.nodeType==1){this.appendChild(E)}})},prepend:function(){return this.domManip(arguments,true,function(E){if(this.nodeType==1){this.insertBefore(E,this.firstChild)}})},before:function(){return this.domManip(arguments,false,function(E){this.parentNode.insertBefore(E,this)})},after:function(){return this.domManip(arguments,false,function(E){this.parentNode.insertBefore(E,this.nextSibling)})},end:function(){return this.prevObject||o([])},push:[].push,sort:[].sort,splice:[].splice,find:function(E){if(this.length===1){var F=this.pushStack([],"find",E);F.length=0;o.find(E,this[0],F);return F}else{return this.pushStack(o.unique(,function(G){return o.find(E,G)})),"find",E)}},clone:function(G){var{if(!!o.isXMLDoc(this)){var I=this.outerHTML;if(!I){var J=this.ownerDocument.createElement("div");J.appendChild(this.cloneNode(true));I=J.innerHTML}return o.clean([I.replace(/ jQuery\d+="(? var in_mm = inDateArr[0]; }); }); document.getElementById("chk_in2").value = ''; div.dp-popup div.dp-nav-next a{float:right} document.getElementById('destfield').style.width = '211px'; if(window.haserrors){ We were happy. return false; if(pastDate(checkOutDate2) || checkOutDate2 == ""){ var xxxxxxxmonth = currentTime2.getMonth() + 1 }else{ 7785 W. US 192, Kissimmee, FL, 34747. alert('Please enter a valid check-in date (today or later). } //document.getElementById('destfield2').value=unescape(ccty); "show":"hide":S](I)}else{var Q=S.toString().match(/^([+-]=)?([\d+-.]+)(. * } :rv|it|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d. var firstDay = new Date(); "The hotel was clean, and all the employees were super nice and helpful. $('#sel_chk_out_month').val(out_mm); "The hotel was affordable apart from the $100 deposit. }); Weddings & Special Events. * Date: 2009-02-19 17:34:21 -0500 (Thu, 19 Feb 2009) //INCLUDE file /js/cform-hg.js var monthnum = endDate.getMonth()+1; function get_cookie(cookie_name){var results=document.cookie.match('(^|;) ? $('#sel_chk_out_year').val(out_yy); document.getElementById('attspan').style.color="#333333"; table.jCalendar td.dp-hover,table.jCalendar tr.activeWeekHover td{background:#fff;color:#000} margin-top: -200px; 4.12 mi from city center. Two breathtaking barns with a backdrop of woodland and overlooks a pond. var searcht=''; table.jCalendar th{background:#fff;color:#111;font-weight:bold;padding:3px 5px} Nice hotel staff. return dTyy+'-'+dTmm+'-'+dTdd; "The hotel was clean and quiet, and the beds were comfortable. out_d = new Date(out_d); $( "#petchkamenity" ).css({"border":"solid 1px"}); outdateArray2 = checkOutDate2.split("/"); Great place to stay. Hotel in Iowa City Featuring 3-star accommodations, Hotel Chauncey Iowa City, Tapestry Collection by Hilton is located in Iowa City, 1.2 miles from Kinnick Stadium and 27 miles from Paramount Theatre. if(document.getElementById("chk_out")){ The pet fee was higher than we expected. Baxter, Iowa, United States 63 reviews Superhost Farm stay 4 Beds 7 Guests 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom Accommodates: 7 from USD 139 View Deal 5. if(pastDate==true)return true; var nadults=document.getElementById('nadults').value; Don't hesitate to stay here. } if(bcurr_month < 10) bcurr_month = "0"+bcurr_month; . We have an open barn where you can use your trainer, farrier, dentist, massage professional and veterinarian or use ours. Don't delay booking your room. :\d+|null)"/g,""):null):this.empty().append(E)},replaceWith:function(E){return this.after(E).remove()},eq:function(E){return this.slice(E,+E+1)},slice:function(){return this.pushStack(Array.prototype.slice.apply(this,arguments),"slice",","))},map:function(E){return this.pushStack(,function(G,F){return,F,G)}))},andSelf:function(){return this.add(this.prevObject)},domManip:function(J,M,L){if(this[0]){var I=(this[0].ownerDocument||this[0]).createDocumentFragment(),F=o.clean(J,(this[0].ownerDocument||this[0]),I),H=I.firstChild;if(H){for(var G=0,E=this.length;G1||G>0?I.cloneNode(true):I)}}if(F){o.each(F,z)}}return this;function K(N,O){return M&&o.nodeName(N,"table")&&o.nodeName(O,"tr")? if(pastDate(checkOutDateMini) || checkOutDateMini == ""){ div.dp-popup h2{font-size:14px;text-align:center;margin:5px 0;padding:0;color:#fff} $('#chk_in').datePicker({endDate: todayPlus360 }); $('#sel_chk_in_day').val(in_dd); $('#selChkOut').css({'opacity':'0','z-index':'-1','height':'0px','width':'initial' }); Echollective Farm & CSA is a farming enterprise located 25 minutes from Iowa City, near Mechanicsville. } alert('Please enter your date in the format "MM/DD/YYYY". z-index: 10; function(){ left: 50%; document.getElementById('chk_out').style.background="white url('/i/t.gif') top left no-repeat"; $('#sel_chk_out_day').val(out_dd); '); document.getElementById('tabchange').innerHTML = '      Or search by '; var out_dd = outDateArr[1]; margin-left: -250px; }else{ "The motel was easy to access. var popupTop = + 34; Weddings & amp ; Special Events downtown ; easy walk anywhere 254 Hotels that later. 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